adidas Canadian Olympic Summer Collection
The adidas Canadian Olympic Collection is a technical range of high-performance training apparel and accessories designed for Olympic athletes. Created in partnership with the Canadian Olympic Committee and exclusive retailer Sport Check for the Rio Brazil Summer Olympic Games in 2016.
I was tasked to create the art direction, visual identity, and production tech packs for the apparel and accessories. Working alongside the adidas apparel director, product managers, sourcing team, Sport Check buyers, and Olympic committee managers, this was truly a massive collaboration.
Art Direction
Visual Identity
Apparel & Accessories
Print Production
adidas Canada: Stew, Renzo, Mel, Krystle, Kathleen, Colin & Anca (Brand Marketing, Product, Sales & Sourcing).
adidas Global HQ Germany (Sourcing & Production).
Sport Chek (Exclusive Retailer & Buyer).
The Canadian Olympic Committee.
Athletes: Ryan Cochrane, Mark de Jonge, Magali Harvey, Heather Bansley, and Rosie Maclennan.
Campaign Direction (On-Model):
TBWA New York
Photography (On-Model & Off-Model):
Thomas Dagg
Product Photography Direction (Off-Model):
Rob Breivik / Thomas Dagg